Working with Auth & Nuxt

feathers-vuex@1.0.0 ships with utilities that help with Nuxt auth related to JSON Web Tokens (JWT). The most important utility is the initAuth utility. It's for use during Nuxt's nuxtServerInit method, and sets up auth data automatically. Here's an example store that uses it:

import Vuex from 'vuex'
import feathersClient from './feathers-client'
import feathersVuex, { initAuth } from 'feathers-vuex'

const { service, auth } = feathersVuex(feathersClient)

const createStore = () => {
  return new Vuex.Store({
    state: {},
    mutations: {
      increment (state) {
    actions: {
      nuxtServerInit ({ commit, dispatch }, { req }) {
        return initAuth({
          moduleName: 'auth',
          cookieName: 'feathers-jwt'
    plugins: [
        state: {
          publicPages: [

export default createStore

Notice in the above example, I've added a publicPages property to the auth state. Let's now use this state to redirect the browser when it's not on a public page and there's no auth:

In your Nuxt project, create the file /middleware/auth.js. Then edit the nuxt.config.js and add after the head property, add a string that references this routing middleware so it looks like this:

// nuxt.config.js

router: {
  middleware: ['auth']

Now open the middleware and paste the following content. All it does is redirect the page if there's no auth data in the store.

// If it's a private page and there's no payload, redirect.
export default function (context) {
  const { store, redirect, route } = context
  const { auth } = store.state

  if (!auth.publicPages.includes( && !auth.payload) {
    return redirect('/login')

For a summary, the initAuth function will make auth available in the state without much configuration.

Authentication storage with Nuxt

Since Nuxt is running both client- and server side, it has limits on the availability of certain browser specific variables like window. Because of that, trying to configure the feathers client to use window.localStorage will result in an error or unexpected / not working behaviour. There's a simple solution though:

When you configure the auth module in your feathers-client, use cookie-storage instead of window.localStorage to store the authentication data inside a cookie.

import { CookieStorage } from 'cookie-storage'

const feathersClient = feathers()
  .configure(auth({ storage: new CookieStorage() }))